Upcoming Events
CIFR 2025 Part B Fiscal Webinar: Tool Demonstration: Manage Your Section 611 Set-Aside Funds With CIFR’s Calculator
Learn to efficiently manage budgets and expenditures with this advanced Excel tool.
In Person
Workshop on Writing IDEA Part B Fiscal Procedures
Part B state teams are invited to an in-person workshop aimed at developing written procedures for the fiscal components of either CCEIS or private school proportionate share.
In Person
Save the Date! Part C IDEA Fiscal Forum 2025
Meet IDEA state fiscal staff from across the country at CIFR’s next Part C IFF in Kansas City, MO.
Archived Events
CIFR 2021 Fiscal Webinar: Part B LEA MOE and CEIS Data Collection and Reporting
This webinar provided insights into the MOE Reduction and CEIS data collection and reporting requirements. Participants learned about the general reporting requirements and the process for collecting the data. Presenters engaged with participants in a review of common data quality issues.
CIFR 2021 Open Door Session: Part B LEA MOE Fiscal Requirements and COVID-19 Implications
CIFR held an Open Door session on LEA MOE fiscal requirements and the implications of COVID-19 as a follow up to the March 5 webinar.
CIFR 2021 Fiscal Webinar: Part B LEA MOE Fiscal Requirements and COVID-19 Implications
This webinar examined the critical features of the maintenance of effort (MOE) fiscal requirements, and discussed the challenges expected or experienced by LEAs in meeting MOE due to budget cuts and other factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This session was followed by an Open Door session on March 19th.
CIFR 2021 Open Door Session: Part B Maintenance of State Financial Support (MFS)
CIFR held an Open Door session on MFS and anticipated COVID-19 implications as a follow up to the February 5th webinar on MFS.
CIFR 2021 Fiscal Webinar: Part B Fiscal Processes and Timelines
This first session reviewed IDEA fiscal processes that SEAs typically complete from January through March, using the IDEA Fiscal Timeline Tool co-developed by CIFR, IDC and NCSI.