Upcoming Events
In Person
Workshop on Writing IDEA Part B Fiscal Procedures
Part B state teams are invited to an in-person workshop aimed at developing written procedures for the fiscal components of either CCEIS or private school proportionate share.
In Person
Part C IDEA Fiscal Forum 2025
Meet IDEA state fiscal staff from across the country at CIFR’s next Part C IFF in Kansas City, MO.
Archived Events
CIFR 2022 Fiscal Webinar: Best Practices and Procedures for Reviewing Part B LEA Subgrants
CIFR and NCSI-FST TA staff examined the process for SEA review of LEA applications for IDEA Part B funds.
CIFR 2022 Fiscal Webinar: The What, Why, and How of State Part C Fiscal Monitoring
In this webinar, TA staff from CIFR, ECTA, and DaSy described fiscal monitoring, presented examples of fiscal requirements that should be monitored, and reviewed the fiscal data used to identify noncompliance.
CIFR 2022 Fiscal Webinar: Let’s Talk About the Art and Science of Part C EI Rate-Setting
Part C coordinators and fiscal specialists discussed EI rate-setting with representatives from the IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association (ITCA).
CIFR 2022 Fiscal Webinar: Navigating the Reallocation of Unspent Part B LEA Subgrants
CIFR staff reviewed federal regulations on IDEA reallocations, highlighting notable compliance considerations. Presenters described how SEAs can proactively develop, revise, and implement reallocation procedures to lower the risk of needing to return unused LEA subgrants to the federal government. This session was similar in content to the IDEA Fiscal Forum (IFF) session “Navigating the Reallocation of Unspent LEA Subgrants.”
IDEA Fiscal Forum 2022: Advancing Resilience, Recovery, and Opportunity
IDEA Fiscal Forums provide opportunities for state directors of special education, Part C coordinators, and IDEA fiscal specialists to build knowledge and capacity by connecting and sharing with peers on critical IDEA fiscal issues.
CIFR 2022 Open Door Session: The Annual Part B State Application
To receive Part B IDEA grants, states complete and submit the Annual State Application Under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to the U.S. Department of Education. This informal Open Door session provided the opportunity for SEA staff to discuss procedures for completing the application, pose questions, and share expertise with colleagues from other states.
CIFR 2021 Fiscal Webinar: Part B LEA MOE Adjustment Due to an Increased Allocation and the Use of Freed-Up Funds
The supplemental IDEA funds appropriated through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) offer a unique opportunity to LEAs to take advantage of the LEA MOE adjustment under 34 CFR §300.205 to reduce their fiscal efforts. This IDEA provision has recently received more interest due to the increase in IDEA funds along with the financial challenges posed by COVID-19. This webinar for state IDEA fiscal specialists reviewed the fiscal requirements related to the LEA MOE adjustment, with a focus on the calculation and tracking of funds freed up by the adjustment.
CIFR 2021 Open Door Session: American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA Supplemental Grant Allocations
This informal open door session gave SEA staff an opportunity to share their challenges and successes regarding the American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA supplemental grant allocations. Participants were encouraged to ask questions and share their plans or procedures implemented to prepare for the increased LEA IDEA subgrants.
CIFR 2021 Open Door Session: American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA Supplemental Grant Allocations
This Open Door session, hosted by CIFR and NCSI Fiscal Support Team, provided an overview of recent guidance released by the U.S. Department of Education regarding the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) and Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Programs, including the additional funds provided under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA grant allocations.
New and Improved LEA MOE Calculator 2.0 Demonstration
This webinar showcased the newest version of CIFR’s most popular tool, the LEA MOE Calculator. Attendees participated in a demo of the new tool and heard from CIFR staff about the newest features and some tips and tricks to make entering data easier.