The Federal Register published updated EDGAR regulations, effective September 30, 2024. This document also provides a summary of the major provisions of the changes and an analysis of public comments on the proposed regulations.
State Set-Aside
2 CFR Parts 1, 25, 170, 175, 180, 182, 183, 184, 200: Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance
The Federal Register published updated federal financial assistance guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Along with the final regulations, this document provides OMB responses to public comments on the proposed changes.
Frequently Asked Questions on Changes to the Uniform Grant Guidance
This FAQ document from the U.S. Department of Education addresses common questions about April 2024 revisions to Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Specifically, it focuses on 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and describes changes that apply to Department of Education grants, including IDEA Part C and Part B grants. The FAQ explains when the revisions go into effect and changes to the de minimis indirect rate, prior approval requirements, and audit requirements.
Budgeting and Monitoring IDEA Part B State Set-Aside Funds
This practice guide helps states set aside IDEA funds to administer their Part B programs and support other state-level activities. It describes the maximum set-aside amounts, allowable uses, and the importance of tracking expenditures during the life cycle of the grant.
Letter to Picard
This OSERS letter details the approval of a state request to reallocate IDEA Part B state-level activities funds to purchase equipment and materials for a regional assistive technology center. The letter clarifies that no prior approval from Department of Education is required to fund a new staff position for the center ; however, it is the state’s responsibility to ensure Part B funds are spent in accordance with all applicable requirements.
Quick Reference Guide on the Timely Expenditure of Funds
Spending federal funds within the allowed timelines is essential to meeting the purposes of IDEA but can be a challenge for many states. This quick reference guide will help states deepen their understanding of obligation and liquidation requirements and timelines, the grant funding cycle, and oversight responsibilities.
From Data to Action: Using IDEA Fiscal Data
Identify trends in your state’s IDEA fiscal data with this online resource. Part C and Part B state staff can use these data questions to better understand their state systems, refine policies and practices, and initiate conversations about how to support programs for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities.
Quick Reference Guide on IDEA Part B State Set-Aside Funds
Understand the basic requirements of IDEA Part B state set-aside funds with this guide for SEA staff. Learn how minimum and maximum amounts are calculated, how to report on anticipated uses of the funds, and the required and permissive uses. Includes questions and answers for states to consider and sets the stage for budget discussions with your SEA partners.
OSEP Memo: Review of Obligation and Liquidation Timelines and Authority, and Process for Requesting Late Liquidations
This OSEP memo clarifies obligation and liquidation timelines for IDEA Part B and Part C grants, including the timelines and process for requesting late liquidations.
Guidance for Common Prior Approval Requests Under IDEA Parts B and C
This OSEP guidance summarizes the approval process and requirements for three common categories of direct costs for which states must obtain prior approval before using IDEA funds: equipment expenditures, participant support costs, and revision of cost items within budget and program plans. Please also consult the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Frequently Asked Questions on Prior Approval from October 2019.