On May 9–11, 2023, state Part C coordinators and IDEA staff, TA providers from multiple centers, and representatives from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) met at CIFR’s Part C IDEA Fiscal Forum in Atlanta to discuss critical IDEA fiscal issues, connect with one another, and build knowledge and capacity. The conference theme was Purpose-Driven Data: Putting the “Why” Into Fiscal Processes.
Part C IFF 2023 participants:
- gained knowledge to increase the fidelity of implementation of IDEA fiscal requirements to ensure appropriate use and oversight of IDEA funds,
- built their state’s capacity to collect, report, and use special education fiscal data, and
- collaborated with colleagues within and across states to support continued learning.
Welcome Video: “Meet Us in Atlanta: What to Expect from CIFR’s 2023 IDEA Part C Fiscal Forum” (2:04):
Conference Theme: “Purpose-Driven Data: Putting the ‘Why’ Into Fiscal Processes” (1:48)