Federal Register Vol. 73, No. 231, 34 CFR Part 300: Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities
Published December 1, 2008, this document includes regulations 300.705, .815, and .817, subgrants to LEAs and reallocation of LEA funds, as well as commentary. Commentary to the regulations can be found on pages 73023–73025. Topics include eligibility for Part B subgrants of charter schools that operate as LEAs regardless of whether they serve children with disabilities; the responsibility of public charter school LEAs to meet the eligibility requirements for IDEA Part B funds; the reallocation of Part B funds and when states may use funds from an LEA that does not need them to provide FAPE; and the requirement of an SEA to monitor the obligation of Part B funds. The final language for regulations 300.705, 300.815, and 300.817 begins on page 73028.
- Part B
- Allocation of IDEA Part B Subgrants to LEAs
Dec 2008
U.S. Department of EducationOffice of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)